Source:366 Readings From Islam

The moment is what you are in. If you are in this world, your moment is this world. If you are in the next world, your moment is the next world. If you are in a state of happiness, your moment is happiness. If you are in a state of sorrow, your moment is sorrow. The moment is that which dominates a person.

Sufis are sometimes called children of the moment. This means they are completely occupied with the spiritual demands of their present state. They do whatever they are required to do at a particular time. In embracing poverty they have no concern for the past or the future; they are only concerned with the present moment in which they find themselves. Sufis say that to be preoccupied with the past is to lose the present. Sufis also say that the moment is a sword. Like a sword the moment cuts away everything around itself, so that it can be free. The sword is gentle to the touch, and its edge is sharp: those who handle it gently are unharmed; but those who treat it roughly are injured. The moment is similar: those who submit to its decree are saved; but those who oppose it are overcome and destroyed.


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