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Mullah Nasrudin heard that in the village market people were selling birds for five hundred coins each.

Seeing a good business opportunity, he took a common bird that he had at home and went there.

Arriving at the market, he announced his merchandise, but he did not find anyone who wanted to pay him more than ten coins for the animal.


- That is ridiculous! I just heard that you were buying birds for five hundred coins, and now you don't want to pay more than ten for mine. - He shouted at people, frustrated.

- But Mullah, understand! - exclaimed a man - those were rare parrots! They knew how to speak and sing very well.

"It may be, but mine has wonderful thoughts and doesn't bother other people by chattering on and on," replied Nasrudin.

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Good results only come through Istiqamah

Companions of the Prophet: Umayr ibn Wahb al-Jumahi

Nasrudin in: "Differences in knowledge"

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