
God is rooted on the earth; yet he also appears from above. He is invisible, yet he appears as a blazing fire and a blinding light.

God is in the water of the lake; he is also in the cracked bed of the lake, when the lake has dried up. God is in the abundant harvest; he is also in the famine that occurs when the harvest fails. God is in the lightning; he is also in the darkness, when the lightning has faded.

God can be seen in the rain, when it falls from the sky like swords. God can be seen by blind people as they wander this way and that.

Brothers and sisters, you pile up stones to make shrines, imagining that God will make himself present there. Then you are surprised when these shrines do not ease your cares and worries.


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Calling without action

Companions of the Prophet: An-Numan ibn Muqarrin

Companions of the Prophet: Suhayl ibn Amr

Allah forgave despite whatever may have occurred