Source:366 Readings From Islam

As you find God, you lose your individual identity. With the loss of individual identity your soul is made pure. In this state of purity you lose your personal attributes. As you lose your personal attributes, you become wholly present to God. By being wholly present to God, you are wholly lost to the self.

Thus you are present to God, and absent to self; you are absent and present at the same time. You are where you are not; and you are not where you are. After you have not been, you are where you have been. By being absent to self, you are truly yourself. You exist in God, and do not exist in the self; thus you exist truly in yourself.

When God first overwhelms you by manifesting himself, you are bewildered – as if you were drunk. But as you lose the self, you have the clarity of sobriety. You see all things as they are, and you know their place and qualities.


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